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portada America In Transition, 1945-1975: A Musical Perspective On Historical Change, Volume II (en Inglés)
Libro Físico
N° páginas
Tapa Blanda
27.9 x 21.6 x 1.5 cm
0.67 kg.

America In Transition, 1945-1975: A Musical Perspective On Historical Change, Volume II (en Inglés)

Frank W. Hoffmann (Autor) · B. Lee Cooper (Autor) · Createspace Independent Publishing Platform · Tapa Blanda

America In Transition, 1945-1975: A Musical Perspective On Historical Change, Volume II (en Inglés) - Hoffmann, Frank W. ; Cooper, B. Lee

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$ 378.18

$ 630.30

Ahorras: $ 252.12

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Reseña del libro "America In Transition, 1945-1975: A Musical Perspective On Historical Change, Volume II (en Inglés)"

This resource guide surveys numerous popular records that were released between 1945 and 1975. The songs selected address such topics as generational demography, economic development, political issues, scientific/ technological discoveries, social shifts, and military conflicts/international relations. While this general listing may sound dull and pedantic, the specific subjects of this investigation are decidedly interesting, provocative, and controversial. For instance, this volume examines music that addresses atomic energy, automobiles, baseball, Chicago, civil rights, dance trends, fads, patriotism and dissent, radio and television characters, soldiers, space exploration, teenage culture, trains and railroading, and the Vietnam War. In addition, this guide presents alphabetical listings of songs that explore varying aspects of these volatile topics over the thirty-year period under investigation. AMERICA IN TRANSITION, 1945-1975 is divided into two different thematic sections. The first section is structured to present a brief opening paragraph that illustrates the breadth of perspectives provided via recordings on a particular subject. This paragraph is followed by a lengthy discographic profile of song titles, recording artists, and dates of release. The second section of AMERICA IN TRANSITION, 1945-1975 also highlights key topics of historical interest. But rather than offering an explanatory paragraph and a lengthy discography of illustrative recordings, these topics are explored through previously published book and compact disc reviews. These commentaries offer insights not only into this three-decade period of investigation, but also into artists and songs that addressed important topics during previous or later decades.

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Todos los libros de nuestro catálogo son Originales.
El libro está escrito en Inglés.
La encuadernación de esta edición es Tapa Blanda.

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